This is my second set of bags. Not only are they great to have they are wonderful to gift people! These are superior in size and quality, and the tote bag keeps my car well organized as well! It has everything, 6 grocery bags, an insulated bag that I use for meats, two small net bags, and the bag itself has 6 compartments for wine or tall bottles. I received this item at a reduced rate in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. #reusablebag
These can be purchased
From the companys website:
Designed for the person who likes things a little bit adventurous. The bold and bright colors are striking and festive, and this eye-catching bag will turn heads as you carry it into the grocery store. I have always liked the
chevron design and now you can take it shopping with you. Did you know the
chevron design has been found on pottery designs from approximately 1800 BC? Well, we’ve spiced it up with a lot of color, and brought it into the 21st century! Guys like this bag too with its bold orange colors
CarryWell is a 10-piece reusable grocery bag system that consists of one stylish organizer bag, six large reusable bags, one insulated bag for frozen items and two produce bags. When emptied, the organizer bag can be used to hold six wine or glass bottles. All interior bags roll or fold to fit perfectly inside the organizer bag making storage quick and neat.