This is a huge set of a whopping 100 count mix of glow in the dark stars, moons, planets, and rocket ships. There are many assorted sizes and shapes. The stickers seem to be stick very well. This would make a great gift. I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review.
These can be purchased on Amazon

- THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY KID: Impress your kids and loved ones with this beautiful high quality gift set of 100 amazing glow in the dark figures. With 50 (3.8cm) stars, 35 (8.5cm) stars, 5 (8cm) moons, 5 (6.8cm) planets, & 5 (7cm) rocket ships you have everything you need to decorate your bedroom and turn it into a beautiful starry night
- STRONG & LONG LASTING GLOW GUARANTEED: The thing that makes The Glowers better, different & more effective than regular cheap plastic stars is that ours are printed. we cover the glow powder on the surface with clear high quality plastic which helps the stars absorb the light much more effectively & faster & in return makes them glow stronger & for longer periods of time than others.
- NO NEED FOR ANNOYING STICKY PUTTY: Using sticky putty can sometimes become annoying, especially when you run out of it and want to change your stars to different places. Unlike others the glowers by get Childish are made with high quality glue which makes it extremely easy to remove the stars when ever you feel like changing them to different places with out worrying about sticky putty.
- DON'T WORRY ABOUT STARS FALLING OFF ANYMORE: Decorate your room ceiling, walls, door, TV, drawer, computer and more without worrying about them falling off and lying in your face or floor. With its high quality glue and light weight design you can be 100% sure that your stars will stay in place forever (ONLY ON FLAT SURFACES).