Friday, May 20, 2016

POKEMON Random Card Pack Lot - This 30 POKEMON Card Lot Features Legendary Pokemon MEW!

I must have for my boys. My kids love the Golden Groundhog cards that come with the pack. This is the second lot I have bought and no duplicates at all!  I received a sample of this product at a discounted price in exchange for a detailed and honest review.  #GoldenGroundhogMewLot
You can purchase these on Amazon here.

  • You get the exact Golden Groundhog tokens as shown, but the other cards are likely to be different versions of the ones shown in the picture.
  • 1 Mew and 1 Random Lv. X, EX, Or Full Art Ultra Rare in every pack!
  • A Mix of 8 cards will be Holo Rares, Rares, and Reverse Foils!
  • Bonus 3 Free Golden Groundhog Token Counters!
  • All new cards in great condition!

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